Thursday, July 24, 2008

LANDesk's New Power Management Plug-in

I recently posted on a LANDesk community thread in answer to questions around power management and suggested that the user should take a look at Power State Notifier Lite as a way to get a clearer picture of their environment's power state. Shortly afterward, LANDesk themselves posted that the upcoming SP2 for 8.8 would include a new Power management module which I found very interesting so thought I'd take a look at what was posted.

What I saw made me think that LANDesk's module and MarXtar's Power State Notifier products would be complementary. From what i can see from the document attached to the thread, the new SP2 functionality will improve the way that power policies are applied to machines and also allow a level of predictive analysis of potential cost savings, however what doesn't appear to be there is any level of monitoring of what is really happening on the systems.

This is where PSN Lite (and our upcoming PSN full version) can complement since we provide data on the power state of the machines that can be used to report on what policies could be applied as well as how those policies are affecting the systems. LANDesk sets the policies while we provide the reports.

Best of all, SP2 gives its functionality for free and PSN Lite does too. What could be better than that?!

Here's the thread...

Mark Star

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